Year 2023.
Business income (EUR) 21.350.171,00
Revenues from sales (EUR) 21.023.504,00
Sales revenue on the foreign market (EUR) 15.359.846,00


Year 2018. 2019. 2020. 2021. 2022. 2023.
Business revenues (EUR) 16.771.500 24.852.528 25.336.494 33.237.319 40.080.923 21.350.171
Income from salese (EUR) 16.676.000 24.648.363 25.152.704 33.064.911 39.868.136 21.023.504
Revenue from sale on the side market (EUR) 14.508.000 20.445.733 19.866.398 24.650.212 24.332.102 15.359.846

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BCM Trade

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Basic information

BCM Trade ltd

Business income

90% our business is exporting
